Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Sorry for disappearing on ya! I don't think i've stopped moving since the beginning of March and it's only getting crazier! Its getting to be deadline and finals season, and i'm starting to feel it! I also previously forgot to mention, that SG came and stayed with me for 5 days! It was quite a whirlwind-- we walked, walked some more, rode the subway, took cheesy pictures, shopped, starved ourselves because we were to busy being tourists to remember to eat, boosted the economy a little $$$ (or a lot in Shea's case),  chatted with Ann Curry, stayed out until 4 am, took some more cheesy pictures, ate gelato, got rained on, and stole a bunch of food from the FIT cafeteria (karma). 'Twas a blasty. Then like a week later i went home for spring Break, so good to be back in papio, see my fam and friends, and sleep in my glorious bed. Since spring break ended, which was actually like 2 weeks ago, but it feels like only a day ago I celebrated my birthday! worked a bit, and have been doing projects and homework like a mad woman! I leave for Salt Lake City for 5 days on Saturday for a DECA trip, and i'm prettttty excited about it I've never been and its quite gorgeous so i've heard! Also it's going to be like 80 degrees and our hotel has a pool, jack.pot. I probably wont post for about another month or so after this, sooo sorry bout' it. I've had a couple meetings with my internship counselor and i'll be applying for those soon and i'm super excited! My counselor is awesome, she's been amazing with helping me narrow down what I want to apply for come December for the Bachelor's program. It's either between Fabric Styling or Home Product Development, no decisions have been made yet, but her advice and guidance have been invaluable to me! It's nice to have some one to talk to that knows the industry and whats out there and that can lead me on the path to a career in something that i love, and she's also been giving me the "uncensored" major descriptions for fabric styling and HPD i've been given strict instructions "not to repeat that" haha. I'm starting to apply for internships for the fall and i couldn't be more excited! I'll keep you posted on that situation. 

Here's a few of my favorite shots from Shea's trip:



Latress on the Menjaaaay

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Time's a flyin

This was exactly one year ago today, where does time go? So crazy to look back on it now, it feels like it was just yesterday and now i  only have 6 weeks left before i've finished my first year- woah. It's been such an experience coming to FIT, moving across the country to a place where I know no one, and leaving my family and friends at home, but I couldn't be happier with my decision! Cheers to another great year full of pleasant surprises and adventures!

P.s. shout out to papa georgio for switching my flight to monday, See you sooooon Homaha!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

" If you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a truth-seeking journey, either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and if you are prepared, most of all, to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not  be withheld from you."     Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love

chic n' shit

Loving all these Blondes in classic simple looks, especially Princess Di up there.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

shit that makes me happy.

such a way with words right? I've got Spring Fever! I'll be the first to admit i've got a little case of seasonal defective disorder, but I'll also be the first to admit that I LOVE SPRING TIME!!!! One 70 and sunny day can literally transform me into some sort of motivated, peppy, inspired, hardworking, endangered species, it's quite fantastic. Other things that have me smiling these days include the anticipation of visiting friends as well as spring break and my birthday riiiight around the corner! The past two days haven't been too shabby either I must admit; Yesterday I went to get ice cream and a little St patty's day decoration then went to dinner in Little Italy for HF's birthday then out to Le Souk after, easily the funnest Monday night I've had in my life. Today I had 2 classes then skipped my third one because it was too damn beautiful to be sitting inside, HF and I went for a run in Central Park 'twas magical. Thought i'd share a few of my favorite photos from the last couple of weeks. Enjoy. 

Hope spring's keeping ya chipper!


Monday, February 27, 2012